Kidron Valley in Jerusalem

Kidron valley is the valley on the eastern side of the Old City of Jerusalem that characterize significantly in the bible. Considered one of Jerusalem’s sacred place for it is located at the middle of Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives, wherein many important biblical and historical events occurred in this valley.

Mount Olives is the oldest cemetery in Jerusalem where it is believed that when Messiah comes, the resurrection of the dead will begin and the Temple of Mount, the place where God chose the Divine presence to rest and provide a place for people to worship. In the bible, the valley was called valley of Jehoshaphat, or Emek Yehoshafat in hebrew which means the valley of God where he will judge the nations of the world. In the New Testament, Jesus traveled throught the Kidron Valley to visit Lazarius and bring him up from the dead. During Jesus Triumphal entry, he rode a donkey from the Mount of Olives thru the gates of Jerusalem. After the last supper, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsamane to pray where he was arrested. The valley is also called as the Vale of the King when it was once aggressively cultivated and the revenues went to the king.

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