Newsletter Issue # 37 – July 04, 2012

Jewish and Muslim leaders in Germany unite last Wednesday in their condemnation of a German court’s decision to outlaw the circumcision of boys. The representatives of the two religious communities called the ruling insensitive and discriminatory, and an attack on centuries of religious tradition.

A Russian ice cream company produced a special kosher line of the frozen dessert just in time for summer. Stavropol-based company approached the kosher department of the Russian Chief Rabbinate about launching a production line that would be acceptable to Jewish dietary laws.

The 22nd Jewish Culture Festival kicked off on Friday in Krawkow, while sports fans in Poland are engrossed in the Euro 2012 soccer finals. The fesival marks the beginning of the nine day festival of art, science, politics and philosophy. Over the nine-day festival, members visiting the historical city to soak up some “Yiddishkeit” will be presented with a wide range of cultural events.

Amid rainwater cracks in limestone rock, charcoal ibex painted by prehistoric man and discarded artifacts a loose collective of Jewish women will sing songs of the Sephardic Diaspora. Vocalists Sarah Aroeste along with Mor Karbasi and Françoise Atlan will perform at the inaugural Gibraltar World Music Festival.

When Nora Ephron was young, she wanted to be Dorothy Parker. All she wanted in this world was to come to New York and be Dorothy Parker. The funny lady, the woman who made her living by her wit who wrote for The New Yorker and always got off the perfect line at the perfect moment.

Lipsticking up 14 sweet old ladies, parading them around on a stage and making them compete for the title of Miss Holocaust Survivor? Hideous, right? No its an outrage! This must be the grossest objectification of the females since Toddlers and Tiaras.

There aren’t many Jewish sports legends, but this week has been a great one for professional Jewish athletes with Italian roots. Italy played in the Euro 12 soccer championship game and they got there being led by Mario Balotelli who grew up as the foster son of a Jewish mother.

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