Jewish Students Find a Second Home at Chabad

chabad-ubEvery Friday night, Rivka Gurary serves a $1,000 meal.

She spends two to three days preparing dishes of chicken, soup,challah, gefilte fish, rice, salads and desserts – from scratch.

The meal is not only for her immediate family – her husband, Rabbi Moshe Gurary and their five children – but also the entire Jewish community at the University of Buffalo.

The Chabad House, located at 2450 North Forest Road in Getzville, NY, is a home away from home to over 100 UB students and thousands of UB alumni, according to Rabbi Gurary. Since 1971, the Chabad has hosted services, meals and other activities for free each Friday night and Jewish holiday.

When Rabbi Gurary was born, his father was the rabbi at the Chabad House on UB’s South Campus. Growing up, Gurary spent every Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath, helping his family host dinners for Jewish students. He said he always knew he would someday follow his father’s footsteps.


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