Steps in Doing Gelt Hunt for Hanukkah

A gelt hunt is an exciting game for children during Hanukkah. Playing games as part of the Hanukkah celebration is a great way to honor our Jewish history.  Gelt can be in forms of chocolate coins wrapped in gold foils, real money or homemade sweet treats shaped as coins.

  • Buy chocolate gelts. You can also bake cookies and shape them into coins or wrap money in gold paper.
  • Hide the gelts around the house. Make sure the children are not around or you may spoil the game.
  • Gather the kids and give them the gelt hunt instructions.
  • Count each one’s coin after all the coins are found. The person with the most coin wins the hunt.
  • You can ask the children to put the coins in a tzedakah box and donate the money to the needy.

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