Make Your Own Candles for Hanukkah

During Hanukkah or the Festival of Lights, people light candles in a menorah to commemorate the miraculous burning of the oil lamp for eight days. Make this holiday more special by creating your own Hanukkah candles with your family.

  • For this project, you will be needing paraffin wax, thick cotton wicks, a meat thermometer, spoon, knife, a steam or double boiler.
  • Boil water in the boiler. As the water boils, gradually put chunks of paraffin wax into to top pan of the boiler. Stir the wax carefully using a big spoon.
  • Cut the cotton wicks into your desired candle size. Put a 2 inches allowance on the wicks.
  • Dip each cotton wick into the melted paraffin wax for 10 seconds and pull it out. Repeat the process until the candle is thick enough.
  • Tie the candle (using the extra wick) on a hanger until it hardens.
  • Repeat the entire procedure.

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