Governor Assists Jewish Community with Burial Issues

While the rest of the South Florida Jewish community was preparing for the upcoming holiday weekend, Mark Rosenberg, Dovi Katz and Chaim Markowitz were up in Tallahassee. They were there to make a presentation to the commanders of the Police Departments and Highway Patrols of the State of Florida. Their topic? Jewish death.

Not a very cheerful subject, to be sure. But a very important one. Florida is the state with the second largest population of Jews in the United States, and inevitably there are fatalities that occur. There are specific laws and customs in the Jewish faith that deal with death and treating the deceased with dignity and honor. Mark Rosenberg is proud and privileged to educate and inform Florida state officials about these very significant issues.

Originally a native New Yorker, Rosenberg moved down to North Miami Beach five years ago. His passion is ‘chesed’, or helping others in need. While living in New York, he served as co-ordinator of the Boro Park Shomrim Civilian Patrol and had been involved in an organization called ‘Chesed Shel Emes – Kindness of Truth’ which cares for the needs of the Jewish deceased from death through burial. Chesed Shel Emes attends to more than 1,000 Jewish deaths annually, regardless of religious affiliation. Its all-volunteer staff of nearly 600 individuals will travel across the country, if necessary, to ensure that the deceased are buried with dignity and honor.


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