Variant Readings of a Bruno Mars Marry You Lyric

We like the popular music of Bruno Mars. It is mostly happy and upbeat. Even the unrequited love theme in “Grenade” comes out as a positive lyric in some strange ways.

The blog Jewlicious recently pointed us to a music video that wonderfully draws on a Bruno Mars song, “Marry You.” Dancing Jews, um, Juice: Everybody thinks Bruno Mars is singing “dancing Jews” instead of the actual lyric, “dancing juice” (slang for booze). But who cares, this amazing, joyous video gives us plenty of reasons to post it.

Jewlicious does not explicitly tell us that the amateur video shows some friends of the couple dancing dressed up like “dancing Jews” (men wearing hats and fringes – tzitzit) who appear in and out of the frame at the right times in the song.


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