Top 10 fails of the frum world

I know that many of you are already reading this with giving me mussar in mind, why foucs on the negativity when there’s so much positivity and quite frankly, you’re right, but negativity brings in the advertising dollars and I never get good comments on nice things I write about the frum community. So I continue to pedal my cynacism in the hope to make money, get shabbos invites and maybe some tefillin date action.

I cannot even begin to convey how hard it is to pick just the top 10 fails of the frum community, what with shidduch system, yeshiva tuition crisis and frum organizations protecting molestors – it was tough to come up with just 10 fails and I hope many of you will add to the list.

Shabbos Tooth Brushes: When it comes to fails, nothing fails more than the shabbos tooth brush, the concept itself is liable to create massive amounts of morris ayin.


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