Prof. Dershowitz: Thank G-d for Israel’s Military Strength

To a packed crowd of over 600 people at a Jerusalem Online U fundraiser at the Palm Beach Synagogue sponsored by William K. Langfan, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, in rare form, thundered “Strength comes before peace, there will never be peace without strength. For as Bibi has said, ‘If the Palestinians give up their arms, there will be peace; if the Israelis give up their arms, there’ll be another Holocaust.’”

To further emphasize the point, Prof. Dershowitz quoted the Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel’s timeless admonition, “Always believe the threats of your enemies, and not the promises of your friends.”

Most of Prof. Dershowitz’s talk, however, was directed at the highlighting the critical role Jerusalem Online U is playing in waging the battle against the anti-Israel lies that are being propagated on US campuses. He stated that the Israel bashers are violating the sacred commandment of “Thou shalt not bear false witness.”  He stated the Israel haters’ goal is “to lie to the future leaders of tomorrow.”  He cited, as a case in point, the New York State University of Brooklyn College’s Political Science Department which, as a department, has officially sponsored an upcoming Boycott Divest Sanction “conference” at Brooklyn College which will draw as its speakers the who’s who of virulent Israel haters.


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