New! Halichos Bas Yisrael, Volumes I & II A Woman’s Guide to Jewish Observance

By:Rabbi Yitzchak Yaacov Fuchs
An all-time bestseller on halachah for women by a seasoned Rav and posek, this sefer is accepted as one of the foremost halachic guidebooks for the English-speaking public. For two decades, women have turned to it for clear, incisive rulings on a wide variety of issues. It is now back-in-print in, with both volumes in one convenience volume.

Practical and authoritative, it provides classic and contemporary halachic rulings pertaining specifically to women on every aspect of their daily mitzvah performance: prayer, modesty, yichud, berachos, cosmetics, mourning, Torah study, child-rearing, challah, Shabbos, and Yom Tov.

An indispensable reference guide for every Jewish woman, this sefer deserves a place on the bookshelf in every Jewish home.

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