Jewish Holiday Fun . . . For You

Barbara Rushkoff

Publisher: Universe

When it comes to comparing holidays, Jews might seem on first glance to have the short end of the stick. Christians have chocolate bunnies, candy canes, and blinking Santas. Jews have bitter herbs, nasty fruit rings, and gefilte fish in a glass jar. But even though Jews may not get a tree (or cheeky elves that want to become dentists), they have something better: an amazingly rich holiday tradition that most people (Jews included) don’t completely understand. Jewish Holiday Fun. . .for You! reveals just what the Jewish holidays are all about.

Barbara Rushkoff, creator of the cult-favorite Jewish-themed zine Plotz, uses her snarky sensibility to provide a satirical yet affectionate deconstruction of each holiday, giving each one its own special pop culture spin. Riotously irreverent, but still perfectly appropriate as a seder gift, this very funny book is for everyone who’s Jewish or who wonders what being Jewish is all about.

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