‘Jerusalem is Jewish,’ Say Protestors in New York

Over 40 demonstrators representing such organizations as Americans For a Safe Israel (AFSI) and the Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam (HRCARI) gathered at the Israeli Consulate in New York City Friday to express their outrage over the intended “Global March on Jerusalem” – an effort by Islamic states and their proxies to delegitimize Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Jewish State.

 Original reports indicated that close to two million Arabs and international pro-Palestinian apologists would storm Israel’s borders from all sides and infiltrate Jerusalem in order to protest the purported “Judaization” of the city. Taking the threat seriously, Israel put a large amount of reserve military forces on alert for possible call-up, but the numbers of rioters were far less than anticipated. Thousands gathered at protest sites in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and areas of Judea and Samaria.  As rock-throwing mobs of protestors attempted to breach the security fence separating Gaza and southern Israel, clashes with Israeli troops ensued.

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