Girls Tallit – Picking Out Your Daughter’s First Tallit
Although women are not required to wear a tallit, many modern Jewish women do. Most girls are presented with their first tallit at their bat mitzvah when they become responsible for the keeping of the commandments. Generally parents give their daughters the prayer shawl as a reminder to not stray from the word of God. Your daughter will be wearing the tallit often so it is a good idea to get something she will enjoy having on. Here are a few tips for choosing a girls tallit that your daughter will cherish for always.
Traditionally the tallit is made of white cotton, silk or wool and has black horizontal strips along the narrower edge of the shawl. Today, however, it comes in a variety of colors and designs. The first thing you must decide is whether to go modern or traditional. This depends mostly on your daughter’s personal tastes and personality. Most girls at age twelve like fashionable things so giving her a girls tallit in her favorite color will usually be received well. However, if your daughter is not concerned with fashion than a plain tallit will usually work just as well.
The next consideration is the size of the girls tallit. Most tallits are large and, in many orthodox congregations, are used to cover the head and shoulders. However, an equally common way to wear the tallit is like a shawl in which case you wouldn’t need as much fabric. Again this depends on your daughter’s style and taste. Most modern girls would probably prefer to wear their tallit over their shoulders. This style is perfect for tallitot that have more colorful designs such as scenery or embroidery. Sometimes the tallit will even have a blessing on the attarah, the decoration that goes behind the neck, which is said each time the tallit is put on.
Lastly, the type of fabric the tallit is made out of should also be considered. Wool is a common fabric. It is easy to keep clean, more durable and tends to be inexpensive. Cotton and silk are other common fabrics both of which make for prettier tallitot than wool. However, silk in particular is more difficult to keep clean and may need to be replaced more often. Picking a girls tallit for your daughter is no easy task. But if you let your heart guide you and select one out of love, whatever you choose will be perfect.
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