Fresh Perspectives on Money and Morality

Terms like “capital” and “value” often crop up in economic parlance. But at this year’s Sinai Scholars symposium in New York City, these words were endowed with new meaning.

During a panel discussion held towards the end of the day, philanthropist George Rohr made the distinction clear: “As Jews, we have a radically different understanding of what matters. The most important thing you can have is not money, but values.” In a similar vein, Jason Klein, founder and CEO of On Grid Ventures, invoked the importance of social capital. “Harnessing your work for a cause is good for business,” he said, “but more importantly, it makes you feel good about everything you do.”

The Sinai Scholars Society is an innovative program enabling students at 67 campuses across North America to probe Jewish texts and discover the enduring relevance of the Torah to contemporary society. According to Rabbi Moshe Gray — the Chabad representative serving Dartmouth University and the moderator of Sunday’s symposium — “the goal is to get young people in touch with their Jewish identity, to think on a deeper level about their Jewishness, to become aware of the depth and breadth of their heritage, and see how it applies in real life.”


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