Bar Ilan Responsa 16 Plus Encyclopedia Talmudit

Worlds Largest and Most Respected Jewish Database plus Responsa & Encyclopedia Talmudit

The Global Jewish Database (the Responsa Project) contains the world’s largest electronic collection of Jewish texts ever recorded, which embody thousands of years of Jewish learning. The database includes numerous works from the Responsa Literature – rabbinic case-law rulings which represent the historical-sociological milieu of real-life situations. In addition, the database includes the Bible, the Talmud and their principal commentaries; works about Jewish law and customs; major codes of Jewish law, such as Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah and the Shulchan Aruch with its principal commentaries; midrashim, Aggadah and Zohar. Windows 2000/XP/Vista

The database also includes a subject index to some of the Responsa and Poskim, and and index to journal articles which discuss various aspects of Jewish law.

The Responsa CD features the full texts of the relevant databases, accompanied by sophisticated retrieval tools, including hypertext links, which enable users to search, retrieve and compare texts from different periods, displaying them in different windows on one’s computer.

Special attention has been paid to minimize typographical errors, and we encourage our users to notify us about any mistakes they have discovered; such errors are corrected in future releases of the Responsa Project CD.

The Project is one of Bar-Ilan University’s most impressive achievements. The Project was initiated when the computer was in its early stages. Today, after four decades of work invested in the development of algorithms and digitizing and editing texts, the Project has become an invaluable treasure, accessible to all, and useful to beginners and experts alike.

The Responsa software uses a sophisticated searching engine which is extremely powerful, yet easy to use. It is thus possible to locate material in more than 68,000 Responsa on every facet of Jewish law, and in more than 142 million words of traditional Jewish teaching.

The Global Jewish Database has become an indispensable tool for every student of Halachah – for lawyers, judges, scholars and laymen.

Features – Bar Ilan Responsa 16 Plus Encyclopedia Talmudit

  • Search for a word, phrase, or expression in relevant texts. You can also search for a wide variety of variant forms, specify combined search components, etc.
  • Using the hypertext links, you can locate and display related sources spanning thousands of years.
  • Display on screen hundreds of classic texts.
  • Print your search results.
  • Save your search results and other texts, in order to view them or print them later with a word processor or use them in other searches.
  • Display biographies of hundreds of responsa authors and other Talmudic and post-Talmudic scholars from medieval times to the present.
  • Calculate the gematria (numerical value) of any expression of your choice, and find biblical verses or expressions with any specified gematria.
  • Compare parallel Talmudic and other texts.
  • Display Torah texts which are mentioned by other Talmudic texts with the click of a mouse (hypertext).
  • Look up abbreviations in an online dictionary.
  • Search for vocalized text (Nikud) in Tanach.
  • Display text of the Torah and commentaries according to the weekly Torah portion.

Windows 2000/XP/Vista

Publisher: TES

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