Anthony Castelow Also Taught Mitch Albom About Faith

Last night’s premiere of Mitch Albom’s “Have a Little Faith” was an emotional tribute to both Rabbi Albert Lewis and Pastor Henry Covington.

It was great to see that so much of the film had been shot at Temple Israel in West Bloomfield, Michigan’s largest congregation. Rabbi Harold Loss even made a small appearance in the background with Cantorial Soloist Neil Michaels.

One of the most moving parts of the film was Mitch Albom sitting in the car and listening to Anthony Castelow’s story. Every time Mitch came by the I Am My Brother’s Keeper church, “Cass” would ask him when he was going to hear his story. Finally, Mitch took the time to listen to his life story which is about repentance. “Cass” was a junkie who stole ham sandwiches from the homeless shelter and was then invited to live in Pastor Henry Covington’s home. Today he is a deacon of the church.


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