Women of the Wall is a Sham

Pretty much the entire Jewish world is talking about Women of the Wall, they have either desecrated one of the worlds holy sites or made it holy by standing up for women’s rights, but I’m not sure that either are correct. Since when do we even allow women to come to the wall in the first place. Do women have a chiyuv to daven? We all know hashem is slow to even answer the prayers of men who daven without a minyan and at the wall, women are too far from a minyan to have their prayers answered. So basically all women who go to the kotel to pray are violating many laws pertaining to bracha l’vatala. They are also taking up space which could be used for men, men who actually have a valid chiyuv to daven.

I’m actually quite surprised that the Charedim haven’t taken this angle yet, in many neighborhoods the laws against women (in the name of modesty of course) are so strict that many stores have separate hours, sidewalks have separate sides, and women have to sit in the back of the bus. These are in reference to mundane matters, yet the holy kotel is still a coed affair. One would think that at such a holy site, the women would either be banned, or restricted to certain times.

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