U.S. unveils Arlington memorial for Jewish military chaplains

West Point Jewish Cadets choir singing “Eli” by Hannah Szenec it’s not a trivial sight at the Arlington military cemetery in Virginia. The occasion was indeed unique – the dedication of the first memorial to commemorate 14 Jewish chaplains who have died while serving in the U.S. military since WWII.

The site was unveiled on Monday on the Chaplains Hill at the military cemetery, along with three other older memorials – for clergy members killed in WWI, for 134 Protestant chaplains, as well as one for 83 Catholic chaplains.

The story of one of the 14 rabbis is well familiar to the older generation in the United States – 32-year old Rabbi Alexander Goode died on February 2, 1943, when a German torpedo attack sunk the USAT Dorchester that transported hundreds of American soldiers to the United Kingdom.

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