Orange Rind Candle Centerpiece For Tu B’Shevat

Ever heard of candles made from orange rinds? Or candles made from clementine rinds? Great idea right, especially now that Tu B’Shevat (Feb. 8th) is right around the corner! Basically, according to the original source, one carefully removes the fruit, leaving the two halves intact, and when you are careful not to sever the stem that’s connected to the top inside of the peel, you can actually use this as a wick once olive oil is poured into the rind.

Well my friends, this little idea sounds great, but just didn’t work for me, since maybe the stem was too moist or not soaked enough in oil. (Another post suggested leaving the half rind and stem to dry overnight, but who has time for that?) So I got just a little creative with this one and got out the round floating wicks which work perfectly here! Fill your empty half-citrus shell with olive oil, add a floating wick, light it and voila!

Now, while my orange and lemon and clementine rinds look great with little wicks floating in them, I just couldn’t stop until I had also tried making a beautifully carved cover with the top half of the rind. (I kind of felt like I was making up for all those pumpkins I never carve?)


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