Not Safe For Kashrus (NSFK)

The Star K joined a collection of no-name hechsherim in creating a new criteria for gaining kashrut status. Brands must have an SFK name.  As this photo shows, you can even get a hechsher on bacon donuts, you just need an SFK name on the branding. What’s SFK?  Internet savvy folks know what NSFW means. It’s not safe for work, a.k.a. pritzus and other content that you could get you in hot water with your HR department at work. Cutesy restaurants and food vendors have inadvertently created a new category —  NSFK. Using certain words can get you in trouble with the kashrus department. You can’t get a hechsher unless you cover the naughty bits in your name. So if you want to keep your hechsher you have to follow the following rules:

  1. No referencing Avoda Zarah. That’s why they shut down Buddha’s and Yehudah’s House of Soy and Oy in Amherst, MA last month. No Ashtoret K’toret spices. No Ba’al in the Ba’alagan Bistro either. Forget about Santa Claus cookies.
  2. Speaking of Santa, no names of other people we don’t like either.  So you can call the product wheat gluten, but you are not getting a hechsher if you call it Seitan.  No restaurants named “Eezevel” (Jee, they serve zevel?). No Lilith Latkes either. You can’t even use Vashti in a name. You should have seen the debate about Hamantashen, the name stays, barely.


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