North Carolinians Welcome New Torah
Some 300 community members and guests turned out for a special Torah dedication ceremony, parade and family fun fair at Chabad in Greensboro, NC. The ceremony marked the completion of a brand new Torah scroll that will now find its home in the shul at the Chabad center, which is run by Rabbi Yosef and […]
Children Write a Torah Scroll on the Ashkelon Coast
Children in the coastal district of Ashkelon were invited Wednesday night to begin a new project: to participate in writing a Torah scroll for their area. The project, sponsored by the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council, will involve children ages three months to 18 years old. “It is considered a great deed, to write a Torah […] Newsletter Issue # 13 January 18, 2012
Chabad-Lubavitch emissary and army chaplain, Rabbi Aaron Gurevitch has been visiting prisons across Russia for the past few years, bringing Jewish books and counseling Jewish inmates. Gurevitch received a gold medal from the Russian Prison Services Administration for his work rehabilitating prisoners and improving their spiritual quality of life. A loose collection of memorable moments […]
Torah scribe wields her quill against segregation of women

On a small desk, squeezed between a closet and a wall, the writing of the first women’s Torah scroll in Israel began a few weeks ago. The scribe, Hanna Klebansky, says she hopes the writing and reading of the scroll will send a message contradicting that of the segregation of women. Klebansky is hardly the […]
Steps to Becoming a Jewish Scribe
The job of a Jewish Scribe or Sofer is to transcribe Torah scrolls and other religious writings. Becoming a Sofer is not an easy job and requires a lot of extensive training and great skills. A Jewish Scribe must be a God-fearing person and should be faithful to the holiness of the Torah. A Sofer […]
Artscroll Schottenstein Inter 1Chumash Bereishis
The Torah and Haftaros with an Interlinear Translation & commentary anthologized from Rabbinic writings.Part of the ‘Artscroll Schottenstein Interlinear Chumash’ series. Introducing an easy-to-follow edition of the Chumash. This Chumash has the same innovative format as Artscroll’s other interlinear publications: Tehillim, Siddur, Machzor. With the Interlinear Chumash The translation is always right in front of […]
Artscroll Schott. Inter 2 Chumash Shemos
The Torah and Haftaros with an Interlinear Translation & commentary anthologized from Rabbinic writings.Part of the ‘Artscroll Schottenstein Interlinear Chumash’ series. Introducing an easy-to-follow edition of the Chumash. This Chumash has the same innovative format as Artscroll’s other interlinear publications: Tehillim, Siddur, Machzor. With the Interlinear Chumash The translation is always right in front of […]
The Call of the Torah Exodus
Shemosby Rabbi Elie MunkEdited by Rabbi Nosson Scherman and Rabbi Meir ZlotowitzPart of the ‘The Call of the Torah’ series. Magnificent anthology of interpretation and commentary on the Five Books of Moses. Rabbi Munk nourishes the minds and hearts of his readers, showing how the truths of the Torah apply to both the individual and […]
Artscroll Schottenstein Inter 4 Chumash Bamidbar
The Torah and Haftaros with an Interlinear Translation & commentary anthologized from Rabbinic writings.Part of the ‘Artscroll Schottenstein Interlinear Chumash’ series. Introducing an easy-to-follow edition of the Chumash. This Chumash has the same innovative format as Artscroll’s other interlinear publications: Tehillim, Siddur, Machzor. With the Interlinear Chumash The translation is always right in front of […]
The Call of the Torah Numbers
Bamidbarby Rabbi Elie MunkEdited by Rabbi Nosson Scherman and Rabbi Meir ZlotowitzPart of the ‘The Call of the Torah’ series. Magnificent anthology of interpretation and commentary on the Five Books of Moses. Rabbi Munk nourishes the minds and hearts of his readers, showing how the truths of the Torah apply to both the individual and […]
Artscroll Schottenstein Inter 5 Chumash Devarim
The Torah and Haftaros with an Interlinear Translation & commentary anthologized from Rabbinic writings.Part of the ‘Artscroll Schottenstein Interlinear Chumash’ series. Introducing an easy-to-follow edition of the Chumash. This Chumash has the same innovative format as Artscroll’s other interlinear publications: Tehillim, Siddur, Machzor. With the Interlinear Chumash The translation is always right in front of […]
The Call of the Torah Deuteronomy
Devarimby Rabbi Elie MunkEdited by Rabbi Nosson Scherman and Rabbi Meir ZlotowitzPart of the ‘The Call of the Torah’ series. Magnificent anthology of interpretation and commentary on the Five Books of Moses. Rabbi Munk nourishes the minds and hearts of his readers, showing how the truths of the Torah apply to both the individual and […]
The Rubin Edition of Kings I & II
The Rubin Edition of the Prophets (Nach)Edited by Rabbi Nosson SchermanPart of the ‘Artscroll Rubin Edition Tanach’ series. You know and use the Stone Edition, which has become the standard English-language Chumash. But what about the rest of the Written Torah, the Prophets and the Writings? Where can we go for a sweeping understanding of […]
Artscroll Tanach Mishlei (Proverbs) Vol 1
ArtScroll Tanach Seriesby Rabbi Eliezer GinsburgPart of the ‘ArtScroll Tanach Series Prophets & Writings’ series. Volume 1 chapters 1-15. A new translation with a commentary anthologized from Talmudic, Midrashic, and Rabbinic sources.Includes An Overview: Wisdom of the Wisest by Rabbi Nosson Scherman In Mishlei, King Solomon shares his wisdom of life – how life is […]
Listen to Your Messages
And other observations on contemporary Jewish lifeby Rabbi Yissocher Frand Some people think about the important issues in life. A few of them work to find answers. Fewer still findthem in the wellsprings of the Torah, Halachah, and the profound ideas of oursages and teachers. But how many people have the ability to articulate thoseanswers […]
The Aryeh Kaplan Reader
Collected essays on Jewish themesby Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan The Aryeh Kaplan Reader is a collection of his essays reflecting the broad range of his interest and genius. From biography to Kabbalah, from contemporary movements to cosmic speculation, Aryeh Kaplan was at home. His writing is original and incisive. But most of all, it is always […]
The Call of the Torah Genesis
Bereishisby Rabbi Elie MunkEdited by Rabbi Nosson Scherman and Rabbi Meir ZlotowitzPart of the ‘The Call of the Torah’ series. Magnificent anthology of interpretation and commentary on the Five Books of Moses. Rabbi Munk nourishes the minds and hearts of his readers, showing how the truths of the Torah apply to both the individual and […]
Artscroll Schott. Inter 2 Chumash Shemos
The Torah and Haftaros with an Interlinear Translation & commentary anthologized from Rabbinic writings.Part of the ‘Artscroll Schottenstein Interlinear Chumash’ series. Introducing an easy-to-follow edition of the Chumash. This Chumash has the same innovative format as Artscroll’s other interlinear publications: Tehillim, Siddur, Machzor. With the Interlinear Chumash The translation is always right in front of […]
Artscroll Schottenstein Inter 3 Chumash Vayikra
The Torah, Haftaros and Five Megillos with an Interlinear Translation and a commentary anthologized from the Rabbinic writingsPart of the ‘Artscroll Schottenstein Interlinear Chumash’ series. The prayer of thousands has already been enhanced by the revolutionary Schottenstein Edition Interlinear prayer books – Now announcing, by popular demand the chumash everyone has been waiting for! It […]
The Call of the Torah Leviticus
VayikraEdited by Rabbi Nosson Scherman and Rabbi Meir ZlotowitzPart of the ‘The Call of the Torah’ series. Magnificent anthology of interpretation and commentary on the Five Books of Moses. Rabbi Munk nourishes the minds and hearts of his readers, showing how the truths of the Torah apply to both the individual and the universe. He […]
Rubin Edition of the Early Prophets
Joshua, Samuel, and KingsEdited by Rabbi Nosson SchermanPart of the ‘Artscroll Rubin Edition Tanach’ series. Now, an instant classic is available in a new convenient size. The five volumes include: Joshua, Judges, Samuel I and II, and Kings I and II. You know and use the Stone Edition of the Chumash, which has become the […]
Beis Yosef Teffilin
Made in Israel Tefillin of ox-neck skin meeting the highest standards (mehadrin min ha-mehadrin). Our high quality tefillin and the boxes (Batim) are molded from a few pieces of kosher animal skin. They have hand written Parchments (Parshiot) put together by Soffers from Bney Braq and Jerusalem. All of the parshiot in tefillin are written […]
Judaic Classics Deluxe Edition
Judaic Classics Deluxe Edition ? Judaic Texts Collection on CD-ROM This Judaic texts collection on CD-ROM includes Tanach and Torah commentary, Parsha insights from Rashi and others, Talmud, Kabbalah, Midrash, and more. This Judaic texts collection on CD-ROM includes Tanach and Torah commentary, Parsha insights from Rashi and others, Talmud, Kabbalah, Midrash, and more. The […]
Torah Scroll – New
As one of the leading sources in the country for new and used torah scrolls, we are able to bring you the highest quality scrolls written on parchment by certified scribes in Israel. The cost of a new scroll can range from 28000.00 to 45,000.00 depending upon the beauty of the writing on parchment.
Pirkei Avos: Sfas Emes And Other Chassidic Masters

Rabbi Yosef Stern Publisher: Artscroll This volume joins two classics of Jewish ideals and teachings: Pirkei Avos/Ethics of the Fathers and the profound thought of Sfas Emes and other chassidic masters, mostly those of the other incisive Polish masters. Their insights and ideas penetrated unerringly to the very hearts of the Talmudic teachings and the […]
Haggadah: Ramban
Rabbi Yosef Israel, Yosef Israel (editor) Publisher: Artscroll Ramban, or Nachmanides, is at the front rank of Torah commentators: leader of Spanish Jewry in the twelfth century, representative of the nation in historic debates with the Church fathers of Spain, pioneer in the restoration of Jerusalem’s almost extinct Jewish community, and — most of all, […]
Gold From the Land of Israel: A New Light on the Weekly Torah Portion From the Writings of Rabbi Abraham Isaac HaKohen Kook

Rabbi Chanan Morrison Publisher: Urim Publications Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook (1865-1935), the celebrated first Chief Rabbi of pre-state Israel, is recognized as being among the most important Jewish thinkers of all times. His writings reflect the mystic’s search for underlying unity in all aspects of life and the world, and his unique personality similarly united […]
The Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Chumash Volume 1: Bereishis / Genesis
Publisher: Artscroll The Torah, Haftaros and Five Megillos with an Interlinear Translation and a commentary anthologized from the Rabbinic writings The prayer of thousands has already been enhanced by the revolutionary Schottenstein Edition Interlinear prayer books – Now announcing, by popular demand the chumash everyone has been waiting for! It features the same easy-to-follow word […]
Stone Edition Tanach
Rabbi Nosson Scherman (editor) Publisher: Artscroll All 24 books of the Torah, Prophets, and Writings are now at your fingertips in one magnificent 2,200 page volume, as interpreted by the classic sages of Talmudic and Rabbinic literature. This is a remarkable achievement. It enables everyone to obtain a basic knowledge of the entire Tanach from […]