My My Machzor

For someone as book-addicted as I am, choosing a High Holidays prayerbook is a big commitment, not unlike asking someone to the junior prom. Like a prom, you’re going to get dressed up really swanky beforehand, and like the prom, tickets will probably set you back a few hundred dollars. Unlike prom, however, you’re putting yourself before a divine tribunal that decides whether you live or die, and where you’re never quite sure you’re going to make it out of there alive. Okay, maybe that’s what my prom was like — but I was a nervous type, and my date ended up working for the D.O.D.

So: How to choose the appropriate prayerbook to shuttle you into this mode of thinking? I was impressed enough with the Koren Siddur, with its commentary by Rabbi/Dr./British Lord Jonathan Sacks, to check out their collection of Tisha B’Av prayers.


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