.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – LotemLotem is a kibbutz in northern Israel. […]
a href=’p1108.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – AhituvAhituv is a moshav in central […]
Ness Ziona
08.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – Ness ZionaNess Ziona is a city in […]
Bat Shlomo
href=’p1108.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – Bat ShlomoBat Shlomo is a moshav in […]
Hod Hasharon
8.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – Hod HasharonHod HaSharon (meaning ‘Splendor of the […]
tm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – YehudYehud is a city in the Center […]
Petah Tikwa
ref=’p1108.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – Petah TikwaPetah Tikwa (‘Opening of Hope’) known […]
a href=’p1108.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – AfikAfik is an Israeli kibbutz in […]
‘p1108.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – YifatYifat is an Israeli Kibbutz in the […]
Gesher Haziv
f=’p1108.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – Gesher HazivGesher HaZiv (lit. Bridge of the […]
Kibbutz Eyal
m’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – Kibbutz EyalEyal (lit. stag, deer, strength;? is […]
Mishmar HaSharon
‘p1108.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – Mishmar HaSharonMishmar HaSharon (lit. Guard of the […]
m’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – YodfatYodfat (also known as Jotapata) was an […]
08.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – EladEl’ad, also spelled Elad, is a city […]
Kiryat Ata
ef=’p1108.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – Kiryat AtaKiryat Ata is a city in […]
Kfar Saba
8.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – Kfar SabaKfar Saba (‘Grandfather’s Village’ or ‘Saba’s […]
Maalot Tarshiha
m’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – Maalot TarshihaMa’alot-Tarshiha is a city in the […]
a href=’p1108.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – LodLod is a mixed Arab-Jewish city […]
8.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – HolonHolon is a city in Israel, on […]
1108.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – NetivotNetivot is a city in the Southern […]
a href=’p1108.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – DimonaDimona is an Israeli city in […]
Bnei Brak
8.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – Bnei BrakBnei Brak (or Bene Beraq) is […]
Or Yehuda
htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – Or YehudaOr Yehuda is a city in […]
Nahal Perazim
108.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design.? The number of the star corners on top of the kippah differ from kippah […]

htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – LenakerIt means, literally, in Hebrew ‘to nod […]
htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design.? As these kippot are hand crocheted, the ‘Magen David’ design is not identical to […]
08.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – AkkoAkko(or Acre)is a city in the Western […]
a href=’p1108.htm’>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design.? The number of the star corners on top of the kippah differ from […]
Cormoran Gadol
>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. About the name of this kippah – Cormoran GadolHebrew for the Great Cormorant bird, a widespread member of the cormorant family of seabirds. It breeds in much of the Old World and […]
‘>personalized with big size labels. Order more than US$400 personalized crocheted kippot and you will receive free express transport and a free gift. Additional details:? The crocheting of this kippa is very time consuming due to its special and intricate design. About the name of this kippah – ShahrurHebrew for Blackbird, a species of true […]