Joyous Torah Treasures – A Collection of Rabbinic Insights and Practical Advice – 2 Volume Hardcover

Sam Friedman

Publisher: Devora Publishing

Joyous Torah Treasures is for anyone looking for clever, attractive, and meaningful ideas related to the weekly Torah portion. Readers can experience the beauty and wisdom of the classic and current Torah commentators. The author explains, based on Biblical and rabbinic sources, that studying Torah and living one`s life according to the Torah`s precepts bring happiness, purpose, and satisfaction to daily living. To help his readers achieve this understanding, Joyous Torah Treasures presents two essays for each Torah portion. One essay includes clever and attractive rabbinic interpretations for the Torah portion. The other essay presents an idea on the weekly Torah portion that relates the Sages` wise teachings and practical advice for living a meaningful and happy life. The book is primarily an anthology, with the essays woven from many classic and modern Torah commentators.

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