Kosher Food Online – The Internet May be Your Best Grocery Store
For thousands of years people have been eating and preparing kosher food. For the first several thousand years it remained the same and even twenty years ago to eat kosher you had two choices. You either needed to live in a large metropolitan area with a large Jewish population or take on full responsibility for […]
The Fugu Plan
The untold story of the Japanese and the Jews during World War IIby Marvin Takayer and Mary Swartz Between 1934 and 1940 a secret policy was devised in the highest councils of the Japanese government. If it had succeeded, it might have saved a million Jews from the Holocaust and even prevented the war between […]
Arthur Schwartz’s Jewish Home Cooking: Yiddish Recipes Revisited
Arthur Schwartz, Ben Fink Publisher: Ten Speed Press Arthur Schwartz knows how Jewish food warms the heart and delights the soul, whether it’s talking about it, shopping for it, cooking it, or, above all, eating it. JEWISH HOME COOKING presents authentic yet contemporary versions of traditional Ashkenazi foods-rugulach, matzoh brei, challah, brisket, and even challenging […]