Brain Waves

Shuli Mensh

Publisher: Judaica Press

Sarah Morgan is a high-powered Los Angeles attorney who has it all. Owner of her own law firm, at the top of her field and newly engaged, she feels like she’s riding on a well-deserved wave of success.

But all is not perfect. Troubled by feelings of guilt, she’s afraid to tell her grandmother who her fiance is. In the airport on the way to Chicago for a conference at which she is due to deliver the keynote address, Sarah almost gets up the nerve to tell her grandmother the truth, but she falters.

Thus begins a bizarre string of events that lead Sarah down a path she could never have imagined, a path that calls her entire identity into question, a path that invites colorful new people into her life, a path that ultimately takes her to a very unfamiliar place — but one that surprisingly feels right.

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