Newsletter Issue #4 – November 15, 2011

A beautiful two story building originally built in the 1920’s registered as a historic site by the city of hollywood was recently purchased was recently purchased by Chabad of Northeast Hollywood/Shul of the Lakes will be turned into a Chabad house.

Last Wednesday, between a series of understanding Minister Yakov Margi and Rabbi David Stav both finally agreed and now allow rabbis from the modern orthodox organizations to resume their wedding project.

Rabbi Dan Mertzbach was laid to rest in the Mount of Olives last Friday with hundreds of  Othniel residents, friends, students, relatives and family member in attendance. Rabbi Dan was survived by his wife, five children and ten grandchildren, Mertzbach served as a rabbi for Tene Omarim, Shima and Eshkolot.

In a campaign to help identify and locate orphaned babies and children during the holocaust, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum launched the Remember Me campaign that is aimed in helping locate the lost people.

DIY gilded apples are easy and fun to do, one can make a bunch of these apples and place them anywhere in the house for a crafty holiday touch. You can choose just about any color combo that suits your liking.

One of the most active organizers of Veterans Day are the Jewish War Veterans the oldest veterans group in the country. During Veterans Day we find ways to reach out to the Jewish servicemen and women that gave up their lives to ensure our freedom.

Lastly a few weeks ago, a meeting was held that discussed a ballot initiative that would eliminate the death penalty in favor of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. While everybody opposed the death penalty the strategy is how to convince voters to make the proposition law.

Happy Reading!!

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