How to Prepare the Shabbat Table

Shabbat meals are festive affairs involving discussions of the Torah and family conversations. It is also during Shabbat meals that members of the household bond. Setting the table for Shabbat can be a fun weekly activity for the whole family. Here are a few tips in setting up your traditional Shabbat table.

  • Clean your table and cover it with a tablecloth. Tablecloths used for Shabbat are usually white but you can use any color. You can also look for special Shabbat tablecloths with Shabbat embroidery.
  • Set your finest plates, water and wine glasses, spoons, forks, knives and table napkins. Choose a cloth or paper napkin that will complement with the color of your tablecloth.
  • Set the Shabbat candles and Kiddush cup.
  • Prepare two loaves of challah and cover it with an attractive cloth cover.
  • You can also prepare a beautiful centerpiece for your Shabbat table. Many Jewish families use fresh flowers as centerpiece.

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